Breastfeeding help is available! You are not alone.
Since 1983 I have helped thousands of women and babies to successfully breastfeed. As both a lactation consultant and a CranioSacral Therapist, I am in a unique position to help you. I am often the person that other lactation consultants refer to when they are unable to resolve their patients' breastfeeding issues.
Some of the ways I can help:
Educating you about breastfeeding during your pregnancy
Building your confidence
Offering emotional support
Teaching you latching and positioning techniques
Preventing and treating sore nipples and breasts
Supporting your milk supply
Ensuring adequate infant weight gain
Teaching you how to read your baby's body language and feeding cues
Helping you with a fussy baby
Increasing the efficiency of your feedings
Showing you how to express/pump your milk
Offering guidance for working mothers
Supporting you in balancing breastfeeding with the rest of your life
Breastfeeding Consultations and Support
Home Visits: Throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Appointments available 7 days per week. Visits last 2-4 hours.
Office Visits: In Tarzana, California.
Hospital Visits: If you need lactation support above and beyond what the hospital provides, please contact me for a hospital visit.
Telephone/Skype Counseling: Available upon request.
Prenatal Counseling: Private education designed to address your needs and concerns.
Breast Pump Rentals and Sales: I rent Medela Symphony breast pumps and sell a complete line of Medela personal use pumps including FreeStyles and Pump in Styles. I also carry all the pump kits, replacement parts, hands-free pumping bras, and milk storage accessories.
Baby Scale Rentals: Weighing your baby before and after breastfeeding is the only way to know how much milk your baby is getting from the breast.
What past clients have to say:
"My son turns 1 on Sunday - I can't believe it! I just wanted to thank you again for helping me breastfeed him. He loves nursing. After all of the trouble we had at the beginning, I'm so pleased that we were able to nurse for the whole year." CK
"Today was my daughter's 6 month birthday. She's over 18 pounds now, and still exclusively breastfed. Every time she hits a new milestone, I think about you and how grateful I am for all of your help and support. I can't imagine where she and our family would be if you hadn't been there to save us." AG
"Ellen, I am thankful that I met you -- your continued support and helpful expert-knowledge means more to our family than words can say! My son and I are doing great! He has an amazing immune system and has not gotten sick even though I've been through 3 bad colds!" NG
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! My son is now eating in a way that is a million times better for both of us! For the first time, I actually feel I can continue this for the next year! Thank you for your priceless advice and recommendations, Ellen! You've made such a positive difference in our lives." CR
"Ellen, I wanted to let you know that I'm exclusively nursing both girls as of 5 1/2 weeks! The girls are pooping and peeing and growing. They are 8 weeks old as of today. I wanted to thank you again for your support and encouragement. You convinced me that I could nurse twins! I DO make enough milk...." DW